Short Stories About Immortality & Living Forever
“Blood Music” by Greg Bear
Edward sees his old friend Virgil Ulam after about two years. He looks better. Genetron Corp., where he worked, had a breakthrough with Medically Applicable Biochips, microscopic circuits that can troubleshoot inside the human body. Virgil was fired over his own side project in that area. He wants Edward to give him a thorough examination.
This novelette can be read in the preview of The Best of the Best: 20 Years of the Year’s Best Science Fiction. (20% into preview)
“The Purple Hat” by Eudora Welty
A man in a New Orleans bar tells a story about a middle-aged woman in a purple hat who goes to a casino every day and gambles all night. She’s always with a young man and she’s looked the same for thirty years. (Summary)
“Learning to Be Me” by Greg Egan
Almost everyone has a small, dark jewel inside their heads that learns to be them. It analyzes everything the brain processes and alters itself to replicate it perfectly. As the narrator grows up, he ruminates on the implications of the jewel. Most people switch out their original brain for the jewel in their early thirties. This allows them to continue functioning at their best.
This is the first story in the preview of The Best of Greg Egan. (4% into Kindle preview)

“The Extra” by Greg Egan
Keeping a stock of Extras—clones of oneself with minimal cortex—is legal, but most people are discreet about it. Not so with Daniel Gray, who houses his Extras near his own home. He goes so far as to parade them in front of his guests at a garden party. He has five batches of them, each batch ten years apart. Daniel has already had several transplants from Extras to keep himself in great shape. Eventually, he plans to have his brain moved into one of the clones.
“William and Mary” by Roald Dahl
Mary Pearl receives a letter from her lawyer following her husband’s death. Her husband had been approached by a doctor with an unusual plan for him. He went ahead with it, even though Mary was against the idea.
“Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
A doctor claims to have water from the legendary Fountain of Youth. He invites four elderly acquaintances over for an experiment. He offers them a drink of the special water.
“Fat Farm” by Orson Scott Card
Mr. Barth, an immensely fat man, enters Anderson’s Fitness Center. The receptionist is surprised to see him back so soon—it’s only been three years since his last visit. Mr. Barth is a man of pleasure. Food is a major one, but his weight is now interfering with some of his other enjoyments. He’s back for his usual procedure, which is illegal, expensive and secretive.
“The Immortal” by Jorge Luis Borges
A manuscript is found that relates the story of a Roman soldier, Marcus Rufus. A wounded man arrives at his camp and, before dying, tells Rufus about a river whose water gives immortality and the adjacent City of the Immortals. Rufus is given leave to set out with a company of soldiers and mercenaries in search of this city.
“Hail and Farewell” by Ray Bradbury
Willie’s suitcase is packed. He knows it’s time to go. He’s been staying with Anna and Steve for three years, and people are starting to talk. He doesn’t want to go, but when people find out about his condition they get upset.
“The Mortal Immortal” by Mary Shelley
Winzy is three hundred twenty three years old. He’s not sure if he’s immortal; he has seen signs of aging. It all began when he took a job working for Cornelius Agrippa, who had been abandoned by everyone else after a troubling incident. Winzy loved Bertha but they couldn’t marry because he was too poor. He makes good money with Cornelius but the work takes most of his time. Feeling slighted, Bertha accepts another man.
“The Reincarnated Giant” by Wang Jinkang
Mr. Imagai, the richest man in J-nation, is seventy-two years old. His lawyer secures a guarantee of Mr. Imagai’s personal rights, regardless of any lost or replaced body parts. Next, he secures the purchase of an anencephalic foetus for his client in preparation for a rumored arm transplant. Finally, it’s announced that Mr. Imagai will be undergoing organ transplant surgery, the details of which are a surprise to everyone.
I’ll keep adding short stories about immortality, living forever, or the fountain of youth as I find them.