“I See You Never” Summary: Ray Bradbury Short Story Synopsis

“I See You Never” is a short story by Ray Bradbury that appeared in his 1953 collection The Golden Apples of the Sun. It’s about a man from Mexico in the United States on a temporary visa who’s being deported. Here’s a summary of “I See You Never”.

“I See You Never” Summary

Mrs. O’Brian opens her back door to her tenant, Mr. Ramirez, who’s flanked by two police officers. He’s emotional and speechless. He’s been staying at Mrs. O’Brian’s rooming house for over two years, after coming from Mexico City.

He got a job at the airplane factory during the war and continues to work there now. He makes good money and only gets drunk once a week, which Mrs. O’Brian approves of. He’s bought some nice things, gone to the movies a lot, ridden the streetcars, and enjoyed fine restaurants and cultural attractions.

Mr. Ramirez sees the table set out with food inside. Mrs. O’Brian’s three grown sons and two younger daughters are eating and talking.

I See You Never Ray Bradbury Summary
“I See You Never” Summary

Mrs. O’Brian inquires about the situation. Mr. Ramirez has been in the country thirty months, six months longer than his temporary visa allows. He has to give up his room. He returns his key. Mrs. O’Brian notices his packed suitcase is behind him.

Mr. Ramirez looks longingly into the kitchen and at the apartment house next door. Mrs. O’Brian says he was a good tenant and he thanks her. One of her sons calls her back to supper but she waves it off. She remembers a visit she made to Mexico—the heat, dirt roads, warm beer, the dust, and the lack of cars and buildings.

Mr. Ramirez doesn’t want to go. Mrs. O’Brian sympathizes and wishes she could help. Mr. Ramirez burst into tears and takes her hand. He repeats, “I see you never!”, which makes the officers smile for a moment. He says an emotional goodbye and leaves.

Mrs. O’Brian goes to her table and starts on her steak. After chewing a bite, she stops eating and stares at her door. She realizes she’ll never see Mr. Ramirez again.

I hope this summary of “I See You Never” by Ray Bradbury was helpful.