Horacio Quiroga, who draws comparisons to Edgar Allan Poe, is known for dark and haunting stories, often with a focus on death. His life was filled with adventure and tragedy, and this is reflected in his work. Quiroga’s short stories are considered some of the best to come from Latin America. He’s especially known for his collections Stories of Love, Madness and Death and The Exiled Ones. If you enjoy your stories on the darker side, you’ll enjoy Quiroga. You’re sure to find something interesting here.
Horacio Quiroga Short Stories
“The Decapitated Chicken”
Mazzini and Berta have four developmentally disabled sons, aged eight to twelve. They spend most of the day sitting on a bench in their own filth. Their parents neglect them. Their relationship has deteriorated, as each wants to blame the other for their sons’ condition. They’re hesitant to have any more children.
This story can be read in the preview of The Decapitated Chicken and Other Stories.
“Wild Honey”
Gabriel Benincasa, an accountant, feels a need to leave city life for a while to test himself in the jungle. His godfather warns him that he won’t last in the jungle and tries to discourage him from going off himself. (Summary)
“The Feather Pillow”
A newly-married couple live happily, but with some distance between them, for about three months. The wife, Alicia, gets thin and sick. The illness hangs on, so doctors are called and Alicia is bedridden. (Summary)
“The Dead Man”
A man is out working in his banana plantation, clearing the lanes with his machete. When he passes through the wire fence, he drops his machete and falls.
“The Permanent Stiletto”
A young man lies in a hotel bed with a jeweled handle sticking out of his chest. The blade is completely buried in his body. He asks his friend to pull it out, but he wants to wait for the doctor to arrive. The doctor examines the wounded man and says there’s nothing to be done. If the blade is left, he can live an hour or two and tie up whatever affairs he can. Before leaving, the doctor remembers there’s a highly skilled young surgeon staying in the hotel.
“The Contract Workers”
Cayé and Podeley are on the steamer Silex returning to Posadas after long tours of contract work. They’ve settled their accounts but have no extra money. They’re looking forward to a week of relaxation and excess, funded by an advance from their next contract. They quickly get drunk and the women accompanying them spend their money. They buy things for themselves too and they get overcharged for everything. They’ll soon be going back to the drudgery of work.
A man is bitten on the foot by a pit-viper, a highly venomous snake. He kills the snake with his machete. There’s blood on his foot and there’s already a smell. He wraps it and starts walking for his farm. Pain radiates up his leg and he feels a burning thirst.
“The Alligator War”
A group of alligators are worried when a large boat comes by their home. It scares away all the fish. To preserve their food supply, they decide to build a dam to keep the boats away.
I’ll keep adding Horacio Quiroga short stories as I find more.